We have
made it to 18weeks all is going great! Still have a challenge getting all the food in. Can't say I make it everyday. The girls
are doing great and are measuring right on target and are estimated to weigh 7-8 oz. already and are moving all over the place!
As of today (9/19/06), we are 21 weeks. Things are still going great. We are now in Phoenix and getting settled in
the apt. The journey over was uneventful which I was very greatful for. We finally got the internet situation fixed so I can
finally connect with the outside world! We've met with the Dr's a few times and are very happy with all of them and the staff.
Beau and I are so glad we came. I'm not on bedrest YET, but I'm doing less everyday. It is a workout to just get off the couch
or off the bed! I'm now 51 inches around. (Scary-still have 3months to go!) At the last ultrasound all the girls were weighing
about 12oz and are moving all over the place. Beau can even feel them kicking now. Phoenix is beautiful and very easy to get
around. At
23 weeks things are still going great. The girls are measuring between 1lb7oz and 1lb 5oz. They
are getting so big and beautiful. And are really learning how to kick!! Their growth has definitely made
my moving around and getting up and down much more challenging. Overall, I'm doing great. My pulse
runs high, which is some concern, but laying around more keeps it down to the acceptable layer. We're at 26wk now and only 8 more to go!! All reports are going great. We have
passed the 24 wk & 26 wk fibronectic test. This test if a certian protien is present. If prestent, you have
a high chance of delivering in the next 2 weeks. Dr. Elliot is doing some research that is in the early stages
and he is finding that if you pass the first 2, the chance of delivery before 30 weeks is very slim. This was such excititng
news for us. NExt week they will do another growth scan of the girls and we can't wait to see how big and
get more pictures. We did get the ultrasound tech to measure one for us this week just to see, and our little
one measure at 2lb 4oz. This is a great weight and they have started to hiccup which helps to strengthen
their lungs. All are wonderful signs.